Disclosure Helps Us All Lose Our Minds
Those of us who were lucky enough to snag a ticket to this are probably still soaking it all in. These two brothers have successfully created something both new and refreshing, yet seemingly classic and timeless. Disclosure is the culmination of their expertise, with a live show that speaks more as a piece of art than anything else.
Playing to a packed venue at the House of Blues, Disclosure mesmerized all. From the minute they opened with “F For You” to ending with “Latch” the entire place was one giant dance party. A pit of millennials all experiencing a new generation of music unfold right in front of them. The set in total lasted about an hour and a half, but felt more like five minutes. Each song possessed such variety, containing the ability to move the crowd; time flew by as Disclosure took all of us along an unexpected, but also magical journey.
Everyone knew the hype around these two brothers, once they were done playing it seemed to be more than that. The cohesion between these two brothers was just as compelling as a light is to a bug. It’s beautiful, touching, thoughtful, provoking, powerful, and enlightening all at once. Seeing them live is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Those lucky enough to have experienced that night are no doubt left baffled. It is an experience I will cherish forever, as Disclosure is no doubt just at the very beginning of their road to success.